Aircraft Insurance (Aero-Casco)
Aircraft insurance provided by "MOLDASIG" guarantees financial and economic stability in connection with potential damages related to destruction, disappearance, or damage of operated aircraft.
Moldasig offers more safety with the travel medical insurance policy!

In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Moldova and based on the insurance terms, "MOLDASIG" concludes aircraft insurance contracts with individuals or legal entities - Insured parties.
The subject of insurance includes the property interests of the Insured related to ownership and use of the aircraft specified in the insurance contract, in case of its destruction (disappearance without a trace) or damage during flight, taxiing, or parking (anchoring).
The insured objects include:
The insured amount cannot exceed the insured value of the aircraft on the date of signing the insurance contract.
The subject of insurance includes the property interests of the Insured related to ownership and use of the aircraft specified in the insurance contract, in case of its destruction (disappearance without a trace) or damage during flight, taxiing, or parking (anchoring).
The insured objects include:
- Aircraft (civil, state, and experimental aviation) in general, which have a certificate of state registration, a certificate of airworthiness, or other equivalent documents; documents confirming the right of ownership, economic use, or operational management of the aircraft based on other legal grounds (such as lease agreements or orders from the relevant authority for aircraft transfer);
- Separate components of the aircraft installed on board and having the required documents (passport, form, etc.).
For an additional fee, the following risks can be insured:
- Risks resulting from military actions, theft, and other dangers;
- Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the Insured for locating the missing aircraft (or its remains) and collecting the debris.
The insured amount cannot exceed the insured value of the aircraft on the date of signing the insurance contract.
You can insure any personal property against any risk under terms that are optimal for you.
Discount System
When fulfilling the property insurance policy, if there are alarm and fire prevention systems, as well as security systems against water leaks, you receive discounts on the insurance premium.
The contract is concluded quickly and easily.
For signing the contract, it is not necessary to be present at the office; just make a phone call, and the company agent will come at a time that is convenient for you.
Moldasig offers more safety with the travel medical insurance policy!
Moldasig Insurance Priorities
The company's specialists will quickly and conveniently conclude the contract and select the optimal insurance program for each client.
Discounts and benefits are provided when concluding and renewing the contract.
Contact us at 0 (22) 889 889 or write to [email protected], and we will get in touch with you shortly.