Moldasig News

The MOLDASIG team donated 100,000 lei to the Ambulance Crews

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The MOLDASIG team donated 100,000 lei to the Ambulance Crews.

In this period of maximum attention to preventing and fighting the spread of the COVID-19 virus, MOLDASIG employees decided to support the IMSP National Center for Emergency Medical Assistance with a donation of 100,000 lei.

Ambulance crews are the first to face the difficult mission of effectively combating the spread of this virus. Their exposure to risk factors must be ensured with sufficient equipment, and the motivation of the staff must be supported. Through this gesture, MOLDASIG expresses its gratitude for the hard work of the medical personnel in the Republic of Moldova.

Empathy, solidarity, and responsibility are crucial in such critical times. The MOLDASIG team respects the quarantine regulations and encourages all those who have not yet realized the seriousness of the situation to follow the authorities' recommendations and, most importantly, to support the efforts of the medical system.

MOLDASIG encourages all citizens to take personal protective measures and to be responsible in the face of this global crisis. Only through unity and collective action can we overcome this difficult moment. Together, we have the power to save lives and contribute to the well-being of our community.

In these challenging times, MOLDASIG reaffirms its commitment to the community by offering support and solidarity to all those fighting for our health and safety.

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